News list for " kontrol"

Canadian listed company Kontrol Technologies holds 25 BTC.

Kontrol Technologies Corp., a publicly traded Canadian company, announced the addition of multiple urban clients (clients) following the completion of multiple successful RFPs (Request for Proposals). Kontrol won these opportunities by competing with larger organizations, and Kontrol will provide its sustainability solutions for multiple buildings in its client portfolio. Following the press release dated November 8, 2024, the company accelerated its strategy of Bitcoin on its balance sheet and ...

2025-01-05 18:34:50
加拿大上市公司Kontrol Technologies持有25枚BTC

加拿大上市公司Kontrol Technologies Corp.宣布,在完成多个成功的RFP(请求提案)后,新增多个城市客户(客户)。Kontrol通过与更大的组织竞争赢得了这些机会,Kontrol将为其客户组合中的多个建筑提供其可持续性解决方案。 继2024年11月8日的新闻稿之后,公司加快了其资产负债表上的比特币战略,目前在其资产负债表上持有约300万加元的比特币或比特币相关代币。

2025-01-05 18:34:50